Spantik - 15:55 Newcastle
Spantik was easy to back over this course and distance three weeks ago, but he took a step back in the right direction returned to the all-weather, no match for the winner, who has incidentally gone in again subsequently, but running well to fend off the remainder of the field and finish second. This looks a decidedly easier task, and he should go close again from the same mark.
Bawaader - 16:30 Newcastle
Bawaader has been threatening to come good, running better than the bare results suggest since joining David Thompson's yard, and he was denied a first win only by the stewards at Musselburgh last time, edging left in the final 50 yards and slightly intimidating the runner-up. He has been knocking on the door this season and should be getting off the mark before long.
Traveller - 19:15 Newcastle
Traveller won twice at Wolverhampton at the beginning of the yard but has proved a little more miss than hit since. He has dropped in the weights since then however, and is now 4 lb below his last winning mark. He is dropped into a 0-55 handicap for the first time in his career here, and with claimer Harry Russel taking a handy 7 lb off his back, he looks to hold solid claims.