Julep - Vaal R3, 12:30 GMT
While Julep has yet to win in six starts to date, she has taken a clear step forward the last twice, most recently when finishing second at Turffontein last month. The form of those two runs leaves her comfortably clear of the field, and she's a confident selection to get off the mark at the seventh attempt.
The Makwakkers - Vaal R4, 13:05 GMT
The Makwakkers is in really good heart at the moment, hitting the frame in each of his last five starts. It seems only a matter of time that he'll shed his maiden tag if carrying on in his current vein of form, and he gets the vote to score here. Verdi and Colonel Caramel are the biggest threats to the selection.
Approach Control - Vaal R5, 13:40 GMT
While Approach Control has been well beaten in Group company the last twice, he ran as well as he was entitled to, and, returned to this much easier level, he's fancied to return to winning ways. Protea Paradise and Genesis rate as the biggest threats.